Want Phoenix Lashes? Be Selita Ebanks from Kanye Bank's Runaway

Want Phoenix inspired lashes? If you are in need of a last minute Halloween costume, pile on some of these lashes from Inglot, wing some matte white eyeshadow, cat-line your eyes, put some feathers on a nude body suit, get some Thai brass fingernails and voila! You are Selita Ebanks from Kanye West's Runaway.

Haven't seen this 34 minute long video? Vanessa Beecroft and Philip Lim are collaborators on this project. And for all of the baggage that comes with Kanye, I have to say that I love the aesthetic of this video and especially the ballerinas.

Halloween Nail Polishes - China Glaze Ick A Body and Jordana Wicked

Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday of the year. People take time to think about their looks... including details like hair, makeup and of course nails. Nail color is a great way to be festive in an everyday way (for Halloween or any holiday).

Two fun polishes from this year's Halloween offerings are: China Glaze Ick A Body - a pumpkin orange chunky glitter with a thin black base; and Jordana Wicked - a black jelly with orange micro glitter suspended.

China Glaze Ick A Body (Index, Ring), Jordana Wicked (Middle, Pinkie)

China Glaze Ick A Body (Index, Ring), Jordana Wicked (Middle, Pinkie)

China Glaze Ick A Body (Index, Ring), Jordana Wicked (Middle, Pinkie)
I almost like wearing this alternating combination.

China Glaze Ick A Body (Index, Ring), Jordana Wicked (Middle, Pinkie)'
Are you jelly of this jelly? hehe

I purchased my China Glaze Ick A Body at TransDesign and my Jordana Wicked at Cherry Culture.

OPI Unripened - Halloween 2010

OPI Unripened is part of their Halloween launch for 2010. It's an inky blue with sapphire, turquoise and purple sparkles. There is more dimension in the bottle vs. on the nail (the rainbow of shimmer doesn't really translate on the nail like in the bottle), but I find still find it very pretty. It's a lovely, more subtle alternative to all the major, multi-dimensional sparkles that have been popping up lately, (e.g. Orly Cosmic collection).

I purchased this from Transdesign as a large bottle (doesn't seem available now), but it is also a part of the Go Goth! set also distributed for Halloween this year.